Municipalities in the Western Cape, South Africa, are getting assistance in improving their energy resilience.
The province has launched a toolkit to help municipalities in the province to implement third-party wheeling, enabling third-party renewable energy producers to feed back extra self-generated electricity into the grid.
The toolkit was unveiled by the province’s Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities Mireille Wenger, who said it would ‘allow private sector entities to transport power over the grid to other businesses, organisations or facilities, while ensuring that costs are allocated correctly to ensure municipal revenue sustainability’.
The step-by-step third-party guide contains spreadsheets to assist municipalities in setting fair tariffs for electricity wheeled through their distribution systems and standardised templates for agreements with third parties. Extra support is available to municipalities if required.
The city of Cape Town completed a pilot wheeling project this year with the first privately generated electricity wheeled from a mall in the southern suburbs to a building on the foreshore. George also began a pilot wheeling project recently, the administration reports.