• Share and share alike

    Share and share alike

    In the midst of economic turmoil, the recent natural gas discovery offshore of Egypt has given the country’s stock market a much needed boost.

    Enter the dragon

    Enter the dragon

    Two hundred and forty Chinese firms have invested in more than 400 Nigerian projects between 1998 and 2012, making it the African country with the most Chinese investment. A report… Read more

    Forward thinking

    Forward thinking

    Seventeen billion. That’s how many rands could be added to South Africa’s economy each year if companies implemented flexible working hours. A study by mobile workspace solutions firm Citrix Systems… Read more

    Business solution

    Business solution

    SMMEs are the backbone of Africa’s commerce industry. Yet, 95% of entrepreneurs don’t have access to loans because they operate with personal cash, which is untraceable, costly to handle and… Read more

    Once bitten…

    Once bitten…

    Arachnophobia is fairly common. However, a fear of spiders generally pales in comparison to the dangers of malaria. Now mosquito-eating spiders – Evarcha culicivora, to be precise – may actually aid… Read more