Open skies If just 12 African countries lifted their flight restrictions and opened their airspace to each other, not only would travelling time be greatly reduced but an extra 5 million Africans would… Read more
Clean and healthy Africans can now wash away the risk of contracting malaria using a bar of soap that’s cheaper than a loaf of bread. Two students in Burkina Faso have created Faso… Read more
One man’s garbage… US$4 000. That’s the amount a group of ICT specialists in Togo have raised in a crowdfunding campaign to support the ongoing construction of mini 3D printers built entirely from e-waste…. Read more
Baby steps In Nigeria, around 2 300 young children and 145 women die either during childbirth or shortly thereafter – every single day. According to Unicef, this ranks the West African country… Read more
Growth potential What plant is known to grow up to one metre a day, able to tolerate extreme conditions (including radiation from an atomic bomb) and can be incorporated in a range of… Read more