• Sweet spot

    Sweet spot

    Small-scale sugarcane growers in South Africa recently received ZAR225 million in financial support.

    The ‘transformation’ funding was provided by the South African Sugar Association (SASA) to ensure the survival and success of small-scale growers as part of a larger plan to revive the local industry.

    The SASA funding has been allocated across two support programmes, of which ZAR115.4 million provides grant funding to black growers who deliver less than 1 800 tons of cane, and ZAR50.47 million to black growers who deliver more than 1 800 tons of cane.

    According to the South African Canegrowers Association, approximately 21 000 small-scale growers derive their livelihoods from the industry.

    15 February 2022
    Image: Gallo/Getty Images